Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The State of Being Human version 1/2008

Well, it is the first day (or just past the first day) of the year 2008. For some reason the first thing that has caught my attention in this new year is blogging. Hmm, is it blogging, the need to be heard or just the need to hear myself? I may never know.

I am sure, however, that this is something I have started, tried, abandoned and retried before. I can only hope that this time it will stick.

I have attended leadership training, spiritual explorations and therapy sessions: all of these suggesting that "journaling" can be helpful/therapeutic/enlightening. I could use some kind of (any kind of) helpful enlightening therapy I can find. And, something, (maybe wisdom, maybe reconciliation) tells me I will find these cures only within myself. After all, I am, as we all are, trapped in the isolation of the collective called Humanity.

I am trapped in The State of Being Human.

So, may I find something to say to myself that will have some value for both of us, writer and reader together.

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